It always starts with: “You are so handsome and successful man you could have any woman you want”. Being some years now in a same sex relationship out of love, I have grown up to understand that we are treated differently than heterosexual couples. Still I have the same old answer to these people: “If you don’t believe in same sex relationship, don’t do it with someone with the same sex”.
The biggest threat to the tradition of heterosexual relationship has never been same sex couples; it has been relationship problems and a divorce in the marriage - regardless of it has been exclusive right for straight people forever. My long term relationship is obviously putting Dennis Rodman’s a holy nine days, Britney Spears´ 55 hours until-death-will-us-apart or Nicolas Cage’s three and a half month marriage on jeopardy.
The only problem is that in Greece, after all of these years being together with my boyfriend, I´m legally nothing to him even I have all the same responsibilities than everybody else in the eyes of the society. That´s not the problem only in Greece, of course. It´s a "dinosaur" of the 21st century that have not died out yet.
At the end of the day, there is no difference if I am sitting in the coffee shop with a woman or with a man as my spouse. Are there not enough relationships between two adults pulled apart by traumas, other people, money and power? What about love between two adults? For example animal kingdom has been cool with these things for ages. Homosexual, bisexual and transgender behavior has never been unnatural to over 1 500 species in nature around us.
For me life is about living and being happy together and if some couple’s relationship is strong and healthy, why do they care other people having same basic rights and full legal protection in the society than they have.
Maybe some straight couples are jealous or afraid that Andreas and Spiros could succeed in longer, better and stronger relationship than they can? For their comfort, same sex couples can break up also … and they will do the same good, bad and something between choices in their everyday life than anyone else.